Friday, June 3, 2011


   Dah lama aku x layan slot akasia, last cite slot akasia yang aku tengok is Adamaya. haaha. tapi boleh dikatakan aku x ikuti sangat episod dia,, but for NORA ELENA,, aku melekat dpan tv stengah jam sbelum dia start,. haha. best sgt2 cite dia, cerita yang diadaptasi dari novel KASIH YANG SUCI. novel tu aku baca dua tahun yang lalu, dan sudah khatam sbnyak 8x. hmm. boleh diakatakan sekarang adalah FENOMENA NORA ELENA. dulu NURKASIHlah and ect.

    Dan hero yg ditampilkan mmg superb,suka sangat AARON AZIZ. sesuai pegang watak SETH TAN . tapi heroin dia aku agak kurang suka, hihoo :P SEBAB aku more prefer NORA DANISH or TIZ ZAQYAH yg jadi NORA ELENA . sebab siti saleha kurang penghyatan dia, haa . tapi sekarang dah stat suka siti saleha.

romantik sangat seth tan!! uhuhu. mesti jelous gila bini aaron aziz.

      apa2 pun layanjer NORA ELENA,,konfem xmnyesal, layan brand MALAYSIA bkan Indonesia cter sakai tuhh ok. bye :Deace

Thursday, June 2, 2011

In my bestfriends, I find a second self. :)


    MarYam,Honeyn,Shumin,Shasha,&Wawa :) 

    Even though we argued a little yesterday, today, we laugh and hug, embrace each other. Even if your worry may seem trivial. .don’t hold it in, but share it with each other. 

We make pretty nicknames for each other and play around, sometimes, we share our cool clothes. 

       When you laugh, I’m happy too but when you’re sad, my eyes tear up. :(  

For me, when you’re not here, I really feel lonely. .for me, when you’re sick, I can’t sleep. I worry about you. 

Let’s not be stingy and buy each other meals . .let’s make a promise with our finger! :D

  If you find a good movie, a song,or a guy, make sure to let share it with each other yaa! :) 

There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend!

I’ll be your strength
I’ll always by your BESTFRIEND!


hanyn bunnycomelll, the fashionista! haha. we are alwys sharing about the latest shawl, fashions or something UP TO DATElahhh:D

maryam and her's sister. Maryam the UNGUSH shawl. FARFRIEND. love her so much as i friennd her since we're small. 

shuhada, my E.L.F i shared about suju N kpop stuffs with her. WE ARE ELF's!! 

this is ATIRAH FAUZI. the naive and passive. paling ayu dan lemah lembut dikalangan bffs i .hehe. guys, u all pn ayu jgak. :)

SHAKIRAH ZAIN. the bester sharing companion. :)  i miss her, almost 2years we are not meet up each other.

alya nabila sharifuddin. my MADU. haha. heart to donghae just like me. oghohoh. one of ELFs too :)

and last but not least

the youngest one : wani. alwys being my bullying victim. ahaha. she is the perfect MUM one day. 
p/s: tgk rajinkan dia. ahahah 

PISSED OFF : budak laki kelas aku memang sakai but, PRAY for him


     Kisah ni mmg ada sangkut paut dgn yang masih hidup, kalau dia mampus,xdelah nak nyakitkan hati aku. OMjeyhhhhh,aku terlupa! dia hampir2 nak mampus,tp TUHAN masih sygkan dia, yelah, umur masih panjang. Kenapa mesti aku sekelas dgn 'dia'. Setiap hari, always hurting my heart tau, aku bukan apa, mnyampah doe dgn sumpah seranah dia, bila aku tegur dia pun akan keluarkan curse words dia tu. EXAMPLE likes B*BI, nate, beruk ,anjing, semua ada.

     YA ALLAH, ENGKAU berilah petunjuk kpd hambaMu yg jahil td, ssunguhnya, dgn adanya berjuta ADAM sperti dia, tiadalah pemimpin ISLAM dimuka bumi ini.  AMIN.

p/s: aku maafkan dia.