Saturday, August 27, 2011
When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.
You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.
We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!
I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
Bulan Ramadhan bulan berganda. Setiap apa saja yang dilakukan akan mendapat balasan berganda. Malahan nafsu kita juga turut berganda walaupun pada bulan ini syaitan dirantai oleh Allah. Ini adalah kerana nafsu telah bertapak di hati dan bermaharajalela.
Apabila kita membuat kesilapan kita sering menyalahkan syaitan dan iblis yang menggoda kita. Tetapi mengapakah kesilapan yang sama turut berlaku dalam bulan Ramadhan? Adakah rantai-rantai yang membelit kaki-kaki syaitan itu terlalu panjang hingga dapat memberi 'petunjuk' kepada kita?
Sabda Rasulullah saw.:
"Apabila datang bulan Ramadhan, dibukakan pintu langit dan ditutup pintu neraka serta dibelenggu segala syaitan."
Semoga dengan keberkatan Ramadhan ini kita akan dapat menggilap kembali hati kita yang pudar dan melumpuhkan nafsu-nafsu hitam yang bertahta di hati kita selama ini. Oleh itu, inilah masa yang perlu digunakan sebaik mungkin untuk mendidik kembali nafsu kita yang selama ini dikongkong oleh syaitan. Berpuasa bukanlah sekadar berlapar semata-mata. Tetapi puasa adalah berlapar di samping mendidik nafsu dan peribadi manusia. Ini adalah jihad yang maha besar yang perlu dihadapi oleh setiap umat Islam.
Nabi Muhammad saw pernah bersabda:
"Berjihadlah kamu dengan lapar dan dahaga kerana pahalanya seperti pahala mujahid di jalan Allah (fi sabilillah) dan sesungguhnya tiada amalan yang lebih diperkenankan oleh Allah selain menahan lapar dan dahaga"
Bulan Ramadhan ini adalah anugerah Allah sebagai lambang kasih sayang kepada hamba-hamba Nya. Allah tidak mensia-siakan keletihan umatnya yang berpuasa hinggakan tidur di waktu siang juga diberikan pahala. Begitu besarnya kasih sayang Allah pada kita. Oleh itu marilah bersama-sama kita menilai diri kita. Semoga tahun ini amalan kita akan semakin bertambah dan sempurna perlaksanaannya. Insya Allah. Janganlah kita termasuk dalam golongan yang menganiayai diri
Sabda Rasulullah saw:
"Barangsiapa yang mendirikan Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan nescaya diampunkan segala dosa-dosanya yang lalu."
wasalam :)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Dah lama aku x layan slot akasia, last cite slot akasia yang aku tengok is Adamaya. haaha. tapi boleh dikatakan aku x ikuti sangat episod dia,, but for NORA ELENA,, aku melekat dpan tv stengah jam sbelum dia start,. haha. best sgt2 cite dia, cerita yang diadaptasi dari novel KASIH YANG SUCI. novel tu aku baca dua tahun yang lalu, dan sudah khatam sbnyak 8x. hmm. boleh diakatakan sekarang adalah FENOMENA NORA ELENA. dulu NURKASIHlah and ect.
Dan hero yg ditampilkan mmg superb,suka sangat AARON AZIZ. sesuai pegang watak SETH TAN . tapi heroin dia aku agak kurang suka, hihoo :P SEBAB aku more prefer NORA DANISH or TIZ ZAQYAH yg jadi NORA ELENA . sebab siti saleha kurang penghyatan dia, haa . tapi sekarang dah stat suka siti saleha.
romantik sangat seth tan!! uhuhu. mesti jelous gila bini aaron aziz.
apa2 pun layanjer NORA ELENA,,konfem xmnyesal, layan brand MALAYSIA bkan Indonesia cter sakai tuhh ok. bye :Deace
Dan hero yg ditampilkan mmg superb,suka sangat AARON AZIZ. sesuai pegang watak SETH TAN . tapi heroin dia aku agak kurang suka, hihoo :P SEBAB aku more prefer NORA DANISH or TIZ ZAQYAH yg jadi NORA ELENA . sebab siti saleha kurang penghyatan dia, haa . tapi sekarang dah stat suka siti saleha.
romantik sangat seth tan!! uhuhu. mesti jelous gila bini aaron aziz.
apa2 pun layanjer NORA ELENA,,konfem xmnyesal, layan brand MALAYSIA bkan Indonesia cter sakai tuhh ok. bye :Deace
Thursday, June 2, 2011
In my bestfriends, I find a second self. :)
MarYam,Honeyn,Shumin,Shasha,&Wawa :)
Even though we argued a little yesterday, today, we laugh and hug, embrace each other. Even if your worry may seem trivial. .don’t hold it in, but share it with each other.
We make pretty nicknames for each other and play around, sometimes, we share our cool clothes.
When you laugh, I’m happy too but when you’re sad, my eyes tear up. :(
For me, when you’re not here, I really feel lonely. .for me, when you’re sick, I can’t sleep. I worry about you.
Let’s not be stingy and buy each other meals . .let’s make a promise with our finger! :D
If you find a good movie, a song,or a guy, make sure to let share it with each other yaa! :)
MarYam,Honeyn,Shumin,Shasha,&Wawa :)
Even though we argued a little yesterday, today, we laugh and hug, embrace each other. Even if your worry may seem trivial. .don’t hold it in, but share it with each other.
We make pretty nicknames for each other and play around, sometimes, we share our cool clothes.
When you laugh, I’m happy too but when you’re sad, my eyes tear up. :(
For me, when you’re not here, I really feel lonely. .for me, when you’re sick, I can’t sleep. I worry about you.
Let’s not be stingy and buy each other meals . .let’s make a promise with our finger! :D
If you find a good movie, a song,or a guy, make sure to let share it with each other yaa! :)
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend!
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend!
I’ll be your strength
I’ll always by your BESTFRIEND!
I’ll always by your BESTFRIEND!
hanyn bunnycomelll, the fashionista! haha. we are alwys sharing about the latest shawl, fashions or something UP TO DATElahhh:D
maryam and her's sister. Maryam the UNGUSH shawl. FARFRIEND. love her so much as i friennd her since we're small.
shuhada, my E.L.F i shared about suju N kpop stuffs with her. WE ARE ELF's!!
this is ATIRAH FAUZI. the naive and passive. paling ayu dan lemah lembut dikalangan bffs i .hehe. guys, u all pn ayu jgak. :)
SHAKIRAH ZAIN. the bester sharing companion. :) i miss her, almost 2years we are not meet up each other.
alya nabila sharifuddin. my MADU. haha. heart to donghae just like me. oghohoh. one of ELFs too :)
and last but not least
the youngest one : wani. alwys being my bullying victim. ahaha. she is the perfect MUM one day.
p/s: tgk rajinkan dia. ahahah
PISSED OFF : budak laki kelas aku memang sakai but, PRAY for him
Kisah ni mmg ada sangkut paut dgn yang masih hidup, kalau dia mampus,xdelah nak nyakitkan hati aku. OMjeyhhhhh,aku terlupa! dia hampir2 nak mampus,tp TUHAN masih sygkan dia, yelah, umur masih panjang. Kenapa mesti aku sekelas dgn 'dia'. Setiap hari, always hurting my heart tau, aku bukan apa, mnyampah doe dgn sumpah seranah dia, bila aku tegur dia pun akan keluarkan curse words dia tu. EXAMPLE likes B*BI, nate, beruk ,anjing, semua ada.
YA ALLAH, ENGKAU berilah petunjuk kpd hambaMu yg jahil td, ssunguhnya, dgn adanya berjuta ADAM sperti dia, tiadalah pemimpin ISLAM dimuka bumi ini. AMIN.
p/s: aku maafkan dia.
Monday, May 16, 2011
abah my heroo
Lakaran garisan diwajahnya yang timbul setiap kali melonjak kepada usia baru sudah cukup memberi erti kepada kegigihan malah kesungguhannya untuk mendidik anak sendiri.
Tiada yang diimpikan,melainkan melihat anak sendiri berjaya dalam semua prospek mahupun duniawi ataupun akhirat. Kehilangannya,kerukunan institusi keluarga itu mungkin akan sedikit longgar.
Dialah ketua, dialah idola, dialah segala-galanya. Dialah bapa. .
Dia tidak meminta untuk dibalas akan jasanya, dia cuma mahu anak-anaknya menjadi insan yang berguna, yang dapat membanggakannya,yang dapat mengirimkan bacaan doa kepadanya apabila dia tiada nanti.
my only brother.
i had told him, 'AKU BENCI KAMU' . but is not like what i said, i love him as he is the only sibling. and the bestfriend istead.
dear mom.
I’m feeling tired today
Left alone in the room hugging a pillow
Touching my phone distracted my mind
It’s lonely to eat tonight
Left alone in the room hugging a pillow
Touching my phone distracted my mind
It’s lonely to eat tonight
Suddenly, i was frightened by the ringing phone
my mom’s worried voice asked if i’ve eaten
these words annoyed me but today it’s different
The forgotten promises are remembered
my mom’s worried voice asked if i’ve eaten
these words annoyed me but today it’s different
The forgotten promises are remembered
I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair
Though I’ve made hurtful wrong choices
You silently watched over me from behind
But now I think more than an innocent child
The meaning of mom’s silent prayers
You silently watched over me from behind
But now I think more than an innocent child
The meaning of mom’s silent prayers
I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair
What will i do, yet my heart is small
Can I do better without holding mother’s hand
Can I do better without holding mother’s hand
I’m afraid that it will still lack
I’ll be a wise daughter of my mom (Give me the courage)
I will be a proud daughter no matter where I go (You’ve been there for me)
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I’ll show endless love
I’ll have a warm heart
I’m shy to express to mom
I’ll be a wise daughter of my mom (Give me the courage)
I will be a proud daughter no matter where I go (You’ve been there for me)
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I’ll show endless love
I’ll have a warm heart
I’m shy to express to mom
That I really love my mom
my mum is AMAZING!
and she holds my head up high.
Don’t you ever let anybody put you down cos you are my little angel.
Then she makes something warm for me to drink
Then she walks me to school, Yes I aint no fool
I just think my Mom is amazing
and makes me feel
Like I can do anything
and when she’s with me
there’s no where else, I’d rather be…
I’m so happy that I just can’t wait
To get home to tell her how my day went
And eat the yummy food, only my Mom makes
Then I wind her up cos I don’t wanna bath
And we run around the house with a laugh
No matter what I say, she gets her way
I think my Mom is amazing
In the evening, she tucks me into bed
And I wrap my arms around her head
Then she tells me a tale of a girl far away
Who one day became a princess
I‘m so happy, I don’t want her to leave
So she lies in bed with me
As I close my eyes, how lucky am I
To have a Mom that’s so amazing
Learning Meaning of Life from Plants
We can try to understand meaning of life from plants around us. We can start watching any plant, a shrub or even tree, try to find a purpose/meaning of its life, what are its requirements, how does it react to problems, what are its basic necessities, is it happy with what it has, satisfied with its present circumstances.
We’ll notice that plants actually live a life, they enjoy there survival with the nature. They are healthy, fit for performing there every task that is expected from them with whatever resources they have, in prevailing circumstances and conditions.
There greenery, beauty is an indication of there health, well being, happiness. They do what they ought to do, perform there every duty and later give way for others to survive.
What is the meaning of life for them?
In one word we can say it is to protect and preserve nature and life, help nature to help life, it takes from and gives to the nature, makes it possible for others to survive naturally, without any artificial support, produces more of its own kind to make it possible that at least some of its species carry on this task of nature in future.
This is all that is meant to be achieved and is actually achieved in there life cycle. Just like human beings these plants too show reaction when they are treated harshly, there is a question of there survival, when they are unable to fulfill there basic need required to perform there tasks or duties. In such condition we can notice some uncommon/unnatural behavior.
when its 0330(3.30a.m)
this is my tragic story, just to break into my heart(check it)
I keep thinking of you at night, I cannot sleep
Why did I turn on this love show
The distance between us has increased
I was the servant of this love
Why did we fight ? Why were we like that ?
Did you lose the sight ? We used to be in love.
Why am I stuck in this moment ? The one I need is you, silly. You, drooping your shouldersYou, taking a rest on the ground.You, hitting your chest in frustrationYou, praying to the heavens with your hands clasped
I think of you getting up. Let's forget and erase all our bad memories.
(I'm sorry) How would you ? I cannot say anything besides 'I'm sorry'. You and I, don't cut our cord.Don't deny our r²π Come to me, everything is fine now.
We will start everything over, over again.
I keep thinking of you at night, I cannot sleep
Why did I turn on this love show
The distance between us has increased
I was the servant of this love
Why did we fight ? Why were we like that ?
Did you lose the sight ? We used to be in love.
Why am I stuck in this moment ? The one I need is you, silly. You, drooping your shouldersYou, taking a rest on the ground.You, hitting your chest in frustrationYou, praying to the heavens with your hands clasped
I think of you getting up. Let's forget and erase all our bad memories.
(I'm sorry) How would you ? I cannot say anything besides 'I'm sorry'. You and I, don't cut our cord.Don't deny our r²π Come to me, everything is fine now.
We will start everything over, over again.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
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